TRAA Endorses & Secures Inclusion in National Work Zone Awareness Week Resolution
- By: TRAA Office
- On: 03/31/2023 10:46:03
- In: Legislation
A bipartisan Senate resolution introduced by Senators Braun and Blumenthal to recognize April 17-21, 2023, as National Work Zone Awareness Week (S.Res.130) has been agreed in the Senate. The goal of the resolution is to raise awareness and educate motorist on how to safely move through and operate in work zones and decrease the risk to those working on the nation's roadways. Thanks to TRAA's efforts towing and recovery professionals are specifically included in the resolution under Section (3) – Subsection (G) which states, "providing towing and recovery professionals room to facilitate the process of clearing crashes."
While the proposal is specific to work zones or “road construction sites", the dangers posed are not limited to highway or construction workers. Traffic incident management (TIM) partner disciplines, including towing and recovery professionals, are called to address and clear these crashes in work zones when they occur thereby also putting themselves in danger of being struck. Additionally, TIM partner disciplines are also roadway users in the execution of their duties which puts us at risk for being involved in a crash ourselves.
In addition to TRAA, the resolution is endorsed by 12 other national groups including AAA National, American Traffic Safety Services Association, the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Organization, Governors Highway Safety Association, National Safety Council, and more.