Meeting Eligibility

TRAA hosts a variety of meetings throughout the year. Two of the most important are our Annual General Membership Meeting and the bi-annual Board of Directors' Meetings. Both meeting types have a different purposes and eligibility criteria. 

Annual General Membership Meeting

Purpose Statement: The Annual General Membership Meeting is held once each calendar year. The purpose of the Annual Meeting is to present the membership with an overview of the business conducted by the association’s Executive Cabinet and Board of Directors over the prior year. Additionally, special business such as the announcement of bi-annual election results and the presentation of annual awards also occurs at the Annual Meeting. All other business to be held in accordance with the TRAA bylaws.

Eligibility: The meeting is only open to current, paid TRAA member company representatives in good standing as defined by the bylaws (associate, regular, honorary, and supporting). To confirm your company’s membership status, and one designated company representative, please email the TRAA Office at least 30 days prior to the scheduled meeting. 
Board of Directors’ Meetings

Purpose Statement: The Board of Directors’ Meetings are held bi-annually. The purpose of a Board of Directors’ Meeting is to review, discuss, and approve plans of action needed to support the association’s goals and objectives including the association’s bylaws and financial reports. Additionally, Board of Directors’ Meetings are each affiliate state’s opportunity to represent the interests of its own state members on a national level. All other business to be held in accordance with the TRAA bylaws.

Eligibility: Only TRAA’s current Board of Directors are eligible to attend and vote during Board of Directors’ Meetings. The Board of Directors is comprised of current year’s Affiliate Member State Directors, Executive Cabinet Members, Officers, and Founders in good standing. To confirm your state association’s Affiliate Member status or elected State Director, please email the TRAA Office. Any State Director changes must be submitted to the TRAA Office via email or fax at least 30 days prior to the scheduled meeting so we can verify the alternative’s qualifications to serve.

Who We Are

TRAA is the national association representing the U.S. towing and recovery industry. We act as the "voice of America's towing industry" by offering representation, education, and leadership at the federal level. Much of our focus is on representing the interests of the towing and recovery industry on Capitol Hill including promoting positive legislation and opposing potentially negative legislation. TRAA is the industry's watchdog on Capitol Hill!