TRAA Biennial Elections

TRAA Nomination Deadlines 2024

Nominations will be accepted for the Associate Member Representative position and the following TRAA Officers positions: President, Treasurer, First Vice-President; Second Vice-President; Third Vice-President, and Fourth Vice President. 

Per TRAA's bylaws, the Nomination Committee will begin accepting nominations on November 21, 2023 (150 days prior to the annual meeting) and the deadline for nominations is December 21, 2023 (120 days prior to the annual meeting). Please see the eligibility criteria for each available position listed below. 

To submit a nomination or question please contact Jeff Roskopf, Nominating Committee Chair, at no later than 12/21/2023. If you don't receive a confirmation email within 72 hours, please call Jeff at (262) 251-0600 to confirm receipt of your nomination. 
2024 Election Nominating Committee:
  • Jeff Roskopf, Chair
  • Herbert Bartemy
  • George Connolly
  • Gay Rochester
  • Chuck Schmidt
Election Criteria
Officer Positions *
Nominations are now being accepted for the following Officers positions: President, Treasurer, First Vice-President; Second Vice-President; Third Vice-President, and Fourth Vice President. Per our bylaws, the eligibility criteria are: 
  • A candidate must have attended either the Annual General Membership Meeting or one Board of Directors’ Meeting (if applicable) per year, for two of the last three years. 
  • A candidate must be a member of his State Association if there is one.
  • A candidate for office must be a Regular Member of TRAA in good standing at the time of their nomination, election and during their term in office. 
  • A candidate for President of TRAA shall have served at least one (1) term as an Officer of TRAA.
  • There may be more than one candidate nominated for each position.
  • Officers shall serve a two-year term.
Associate Member Representative *
Nominations are now being accepted for the position of the Associate Member Representative. Per our bylaws, the eligibility criteria are: 
  • A candidate for office must be an Associate Member of TRAA in good standing at the time of their nomination, election and during their term in office. 
  • Nomination requires endorsement by at least ten (10) Associate Members. 
  • There may be more than one candidate nominated for the Associate Member Representative position.
  • Associate Member Representative shall serve a two-year term.
* Please see the TRAA bylaws Nomination and Election Procedures, Exhibit A for full details.

Who We Are

TRAA is the national association representing the U.S. towing and recovery industry. We act as the "voice of America's towing industry" by offering representation, education, and leadership at the federal level. Much of our focus is on representing the interests of the towing and recovery industry on Capitol Hill including promoting positive legislation and opposing potentially negative legislation. TRAA is the industry's watchdog on Capitol Hill!